Tuesday, January 28, 2020

The Change of the Rights and Free

The Change of the Rights and Freedoms of Australian Women over the Past 100 Years Essay The progression of the rights and freedoms of women has changed drastically over the past 100 years. Women have felt the need to stand up for their rights and change the traditional stereotype of women from, weak and unambitious to strong and determined beings. There were two main time periods where their rights were recognized throughout Australia. The first took place in the early 20th century, where women rallied for the rights to vote and stand for elections. The second took place in the 1960s and 1970s, when traditional roles of women were challenged. The third aspect that will also be looked at in this essay, are influential women in the two time periods that made the rights and freedoms of women change for the better. In the early 20th century, women believed that they had the right to vote and stand for elections in their respective states because they were working in jobs similar to men. They also believed that the stereotype of them not having the intellect ability to understand politics was false. In 1914, the Victorian Local Government Act Amendment allowed women eligible for election on the same basis. The same happened in 1915 in Queensland, 1918 in New South Wales, 1920 in Western Australia and 1921 in Tasmania. Women who had law degrees wanted to be part of a judiciary to become juries. This was introduced for the first time in Queensland, in the year 1923. Other aspects of women’s rights were overlooked by the Australian Government and in 1928, 1000 women gathered in Sydney to protest for their rights. Many Australian women were getting pregnant before the age of eighteen and had no financial aid to support their child. The Racial Hygiene Association set up the first birth control clinic in Australia in Sydney in 1933. To support young mothers and mothers in general, the Child Endowment Act, formed in 1941 allowed payment directly to the mother of an allowance for each child under the age of sixteen. The allowance was 5 shillings per week. Women who had occupations during the wartime were given set wage rates by the Women’s Employment Board, which was set up by the Federal Government in 1942. Women in the 1960s were more outgoing in challenging the traditional roles of women in the form of protest. Intellectual females debated of changes to civil rights, ‘the pill’, marijuana, conscription and the involvement in the Vietnam War. The collection of intellectuals and their belief to change the freedom and rights of women created the Women’s Liberation Movement (WLM) in 1960. The WLM set a few guidelines that they wanted to address and improve in Australia. The first was sexuality. Judiciaries always overlooked cases that were linked to rape and sexual harassment. The WLM wanted these cases to be looked into to give sexually abused victims peace. The second was education. The female intellectuals wanted to spread literature among other women. Many women in the 60s and 70s were illiterate, whereas men were taught how to read and write from a young age. The last guideline was health. Women wanted to be able to have easy access to contraception, abortion and protection from abusive men. They also wanted to do more research for health conditions, such as, breast cancer and cervical cancer. Many laws have resulted due to the formation of the WLM. The Maternity Leave Act, created in 1973 allowed working mothers to have a 12 month unpaid leave that wouldn’t affect their jobs. In June 1977, The Anti – Discrimination Act aimed to stop discrimination against race, gender or marital status. The Equality of Status of Children’s Act was created in December 1977 allowed children born out of marriages to have legal status. Women wanted to pursue jobs that were mostly pursued by men. In 1986, The Equal Opportunity for Women Act restricted barriers, which prohibited women from pursuing jobs that should be available to them. There were many females in Australia who were activists and believed that Australian women needed to be more confident and believe that they were capable of performing male superior jobs. Edith Cowan was the first woman elected to an Australian Parliament in Western Perth, Western Australia in the year 1921. Women from different states were inspired by Cowan and in Queensland, Irene Longman was the first woman to be elected in the Queensland parliament in 1929. In 1937, Ivy Webber represented the League of Women Electors on a platform of ‘Mother, Child, Family, Home and Health. ’ This is because Webber believed that women needed help with motherhood, children, family, marital problems, home and health. In 1972, Helen Reddy produced a song called ‘I am Woman’. The song became the unofficial anthem of the WLM as well. The United Nations declared that it was ‘International Woman’s Year’ in 1975. Many women went to extremes to protest for their rights. Zelda D’Aprano chained herself to the Commonwealth building in 1969 in Melbourne as a sign of protest for the equal pay of working women. In 2004, D’Aprano was made the officer of the order of Australia as acknowledgement for her work in campaigning on women’s workplace issues. Women have evolved over the past 100 years and have been more determined to strive for freedoms and rights. There is a pressing need for women to acquire jobs. This is partly due to the lack of pressure to get married. The few who do attain high positions still have to deal with traditional attitudes towards women: the belief that they are less capable than men, sexual harassment and public focus on their appearance and their family responsibilities. Even till this day, women are still looked down upon and they themselves feel the need to prove themselves to the society surrounding them. Julia Gillard, Australia’s current Prime Minister says that she ‘would never be where she is today if she wasn’t raised by a single mother and if she allowed gender criticism to jeopardise her intent to become Prime Minister. ’

Monday, January 20, 2020

Admiral Jarok as Noble Traitor :: Star Trek Traitor Essays Papers

Admiral Jarok was a traitor, especially in the eyes of his countrymen. The very principles that define the Romulans are honor and loyalty and in no way can his actions be seen as loyal. Although some could argue his actions were those of a defector, his actions as Romulan official in this particular situation make him a traitor. A traitor is defined as a "person who betrays his or her country, cause, friends, etc. " (Webster) The true meaning of traitor is not found in this definition, but rather in the definition of the word betray. There are several meanings, but the most important ones are "2. to break faith with, fail to meet the hopes of" and " 6. to disclose ( secret information, confidential plans etc.)" The Romulans are seen as "moral people with very clear ideas of right and wrong" (Cornelius.) For them, right means honoring and serving the Romulan people. Federation space is seen as an ominous enemy and giving helpful strategic information to them, would be considered treason. Obviously Tomalak, the Romulan leader, feels this way when he demands, with contempt in his voice, for Picard and crew to release "traitor Jarok" For Tomalak, who represents all Romulans, Jarok broke faith to his people. "You see, Picard, after we dissect your Enterprise for every precious bit of information, I intend to display its broken hull in the center of the Romulan capitol as a symbol of our victory. It will inspire our armies for generations to come. And serve as a warning to any other traitor who would create ripples of disloyalty." (Tong) Jarok's actions perfectly correspond with sixth dictionary entry of betray. Even though it is assumed that the documents were a trap to catch the faltering loyalty of Jarok, a faithful Romulan would have kept them secret, even if it jeopardized their own family. Jarok did not know the documents were false or else he would not have risked all that he did in going over to Federation Space. To the Romulans, support for all the people came first. Jarok's actions might have seemed noble to those aboard Federation Space, but to the Romulans the most noble actions were those that were loyal to the Romulan cause. Tomalak would not have cared that Jarok did not want to go into any wars for the sake of his daughter. Tomalak wanted all members of his family to be safe, as well, but Tomalek stayed true to the Romulans, which he saw as the most important thing.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Iago’s soliloquies are embarrassing and outdated

â€Å"It is through Iago's soliloquies that the audience gain most insight and enjoyment† How far do you agree with these views and what is your opinion? Iago's soliloquies feature throughout the play Othello and allow the audience to see the true feelings he has for other characters and his motives for his evil actions throughout the play. These two critical opinions show contrasting views of the value these soliloquies have to the audience and to the play itself. When Shakespeare wrote Othello, actors on the stage would often interact with the audience and involve them within the play. Soliloquies were an opportunity for an actor in his role to explain his motives and way of thinking to the audience. This is shown when Iago asks ‘and what's he then that says I play the villain? ‘ directly asking the audience to question their opinion of him or become accomplices of his evil plan. To a modern audience this interaction with the actors is rare and outdated so to many Iago's soliloquies just appear to be a man speaking to himself on stage. This can be embarrassing for the modern audience and also the actor playing Iago who has to deliver the lines convincingly. Another problem for the actor is that in Shakespearean times plays would be performed in open-air theatres during daylight with the audience stood right in front of the stage. This is different to modern day theatres that are enclosed and dark with the audience sitting further away from the stage. This makes the relationship between actors and audience less intimate, which may make the soliloquy less effective and therefore outdated. At the end of his soliloquies Iago ends in a rhyming couplet such as in Act 1 Scene 1: ‘hell and night must bring this monstrous birth to light' which to modern audiences is slightly outdated and may associate Iago with a stereotypical villain in a pantomime who plots against the ‘good' guy, in this case Othello. In pantomimes, the villain similarly interacts with the audience and uses hyperbolic language with rhymes, dark imagery and rhetoric questions as Iago does. Therefore, Iago's soliloquies may be perceived as outdated and embarrassing for an audience who see Iago's representation as a villain as stereotypical and childish Iago's soliloquies may seem outdated and embarrassing for an audience due to his racist language repeatedly referring to Othello as ‘Moor' and as a ‘devil'. A modern audience may not understand the racial term ‘moor' due to it being out of date, particularly as other characters use it a non racial way. The way his soliloquies are set out in blank verse and in iambic pentameter may also be embarrassing for the audience and increase Iago's association with the pantomime villain. When Othello was first staged, blank verse would indicate a serious, important part of the play and the audience would understand this switch from prose. Modern audiences without understanding the literary device may therefore find it outdated and fail to understand why an actor would be talking in a regular rhythm only when he was alone on the stage. The view that Iago's soliloquies add little to the play can be justified as Iago never fully shares his plan with the audience often formulating it in his head and claiming that ‘it is engendered' or that 'tis here but yet confused'. Instead the audience only gets to see the beginning of the plan and who he plans to use to deceive Othello. The soliloquies can be seen as unimportant as Iago produces more motives that are unlikely to be true such as his claim that Othello has slept with Emilia, in order to justify his original lies. This can begin to get repetitive and tiring to an audience. Without the soliloquies the audience would not lose out on the plot, only on Iago's insight so it can be argued that they are unnecessary. However, the second critic's view that Iago's soliloquies are insightful and enjoyable can also be explored. Iago is the most important character in developing the plot as without his conniving plans to ruin Othello, Othello's and Desdemona's marriage would probably have survived. It is through his soliloquies that we see how his mind works and how he abuses people's good nature in order to ruin them. The soliloquies allow us to see into Iago's mind, which allows the audience to gain great insight into what he is doing. In Act 1 Scene 1 his first soliloquy reveals a great deal of his opinions of other people and it is though Iago is taking off a mask, suddenly revealing a darker side than we have seen so far. The audience see his true opinion of Roderigo as being a ‘fool' who he is only associating with for ‘sport and profit' and that he is impatient with his idiotic and defeatist talk. He also reveals his reason for bringing about the downfall of Othello is due to rumours he has heard of Othello sleeping with Emilia, which he continues to mention in other soliloquies, claiming ‘the lusty moor hath leaped into [his] seat' in Act 2 Scene 1. Other than this motive, which is possibly a lie in order to justify his evil nature, his other motives are selfish and unfair. Iago intends to ruin Cassio in order to ‘get his place' and later reveals a jealousy for Desdemona. He only expresses his motives within his soliloquies making them insightful to the audience even if they are only to defend himself. Iago manipulates Cassio's ‘smooth dispose' in order to use it against him and convince Othello that ‘he is too familiar with his wife'. He abuses people's good nature in order to defeat them and the audience can see this through his soliloquies. He knows that Othello will ‘prove to Desdemona a most dear husband' and is ‘of a free and open nature' but plans to use this good nature in order to bring his downfall. The audience sees that he is totally evil by regarding his manipulation of people and their lives as a game, structuring his plan carefully in order for him to cause great damage. His plan to ‘pour†¦ pestilence into [Othello's] ear' shows how he intends to use the trust he has developed with Othello to advise him against Cassio and Desdemona. He again, uses Desdemona who he believes to be ‘virtuous' and ‘fruitful' enjoying the fact that he will ‘turn her virtue into pitch' by using her ‘goodness' as the ‘net that shall enmesh them all'. The audience can get a true insight into Iago's nature of being spiteful and wicked, which would not be as clearly seen if the soliloquies were removed. The audience can almost see the way his brain is working and his language shows this. He uses repetition such as ‘How? How? ‘ as he puts together his plan and there are often small pauses and contemplative moments such as ‘let me see now' to reflect his plan coming together. His dark mind is reflected through his language with images of ‘hell' ‘devils' with the ‘blackest sins' and poison. For the audience, this can be exciting as they are involved in his plan, almost acting as accomplices. They hold a greater awareness of what is going on in the play than the rest of the characters and so can foreshadow Othello's downfall. The audience are far more likely to be sympathetic for Othello by knowing the true evil nature of Iago through his speeches, particularly in knowing that even Iago, who sees the worst in people admits that Othello is ‘of constant, loving, noble nature'. In my opinion, the second critic's view that Iago's soliloquies are insightful and enjoyable is the most justified. Without his soliloquies the audience would be unaware of how Iago's plans come together, his motives or how he views the other characters. When he is with other characters it is almost as if he is wearing a mask to cover up his true feelings. He plays the honest and trustworthy friend and it is only when he is alone does his true nature show and the audience discovers that this is a clever manipulating method that he uses, knowing Othello ‘thinks men honest that seem to be so'. The first critics opinion that Iago's soliloquies are embarrassing and outdated can be a problem due to modern audiences not being used to this device. However, it can also be refreshing for an audience to experience this different way of acting and enjoyable to be involved in Iago's plot. As a modern audience we should understand that the play was written in a society that was different from today and therefore be less judgemental on how outdated it is. The critic's view that they ‘add little to the play' is, in my opinion less justified. The soliloquies may not be essential to the actual plot of the play but they provide a great by giving the audience an opportunity to understand Iago's character. As an audience we can foreshadow the upcoming events in the play and therefore be more interested as it all unravels. An audience will feel more hatred towards Iago due to his soliloquies and therefore feel more sympathy for the other characters as he causes their downfall. Instead of providing little to the play, they provide a great deal by stirring up the audiences emotions to the characters. Overall, I believe Iago's soliloquies to be of great insight and enjoyment to the audience as they allow an audience to see into his mind and be aware of his plot to bring Othello's downfall. Instead of being outdated and embarrassing they are insightful and enjoyable as audiences can directly witness his harsh and wicked nature.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

The Causes of Global Warming - 2456 Words

Global Warming Global warming is a phrase that has been used in recent history that describes Earth’s surface temperature being warmed. Throughout history, there has been three global warming’s. They occurred in 1850; from about 1860-1880, 1915-1945, and 1975-1978 (see graph). The current warming was thought to have been generated by the discharge by man of carbon dioxide. All three of these periods of warming were divided into a period of universal cooling. The warming/cooling cycles, and their conjoined change in rain patterns are called climate change. Climate change has been happening for the past 11,000 years since the last ice age. Research has recently shown that this abrupt curve is probably a product of what is known as the â€Å"heat island effect† rather than be just called global warming. Overall, at its simplest, â€Å"climate change†- is simply known as global warming and â€Å"climate disruption.† Reason it is called a climatic disrup tion is because a phenomenon occurs that cause’s weather arrangement and temperatures too change to quickly and unknowingly on a universal scale. Global Warming is an occurrence of increasing average air temperatures close to the Earth’s exterior for over the past two centuries. Since the 20th century, weather scientists have assembled studies of different weather occurrences such as; temperatures, rain, and different kinds of storms. Also studies on the Earth’s ocean currents and the atmosphere’s overall chemical arrangement. ThisShow MoreRelatedThe Causes Of Global Warming Essay1705 Words   |  7 Pages Global warming has been for decades the center of discussion between intergovernmental agencies and world leaders, each forum aiming to discuss the causes of the global warming. Scientists have been in the front lie to figure out the causes of the global warming. The hurdles and the efforts to discern the causes of the global warming are to learn ways to counter the causes so as to prevent the earth from vanquishing in the detrimental effects of the global warming. Additionally, the effort to learnRead MoreThe Cause For Global Warming1279 Words   |  6 Pages2015 The Cause for Global Warming Global warming refers to the drastic change in climate. But who are the ones that cause global warming? Is it the people of earth or is it just the natural change in climate as the world ages? People claim that it’s just a natural change in climate, that the people have only a little influence on the climate. Others say that we the people are the cause for the dramatic change in climate with the greenhouse gases we emit into the atmosphere. Global warming is indeedRead MoreThe Causes for Global Warming1538 Words   |  7 Pagesof global climate over long periods of time. Climate model projections made by the US Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) show that, recently, global temperature has increased. This increase in temperature is referred to as global warming. One of the main causes of global warming is greenhouse gases. Greenhouse gases are gases in the atmosphere that absorb solar radiation to keep the planet warm. These gases have increased, so more solar r adiation is trapped inside raising global temperaturesRead MoreCauses of Global Warming816 Words   |  3 Pagesatmosphere. This causes the air on Earth to contain higher kinetic energy due to the fact that more gas particles from the natural gases are colliding with the air particles. The higher kinetic energy results in higher temperature and heating of Earth’s surface. The heating of the Earth’s surface causes many of the world problems that we have today. As more and more factories and industries produce gases that pollute the world, they also increase the effects of global warming. Gas particles fromRead MoreCauses of Global Warming525 Words   |  2 PagesHave you ever thought of what is the cause to global warming? Some people still happen to believe that global warming is a made up story, which is preventing humans from advancing. While others might believe that global warming is realistic and is a man made problem. Global warming is sooner or later going t o impact you in a major way that can even change your life style. We the people need to understand that global warming can result in harmful consequences to the earth that one cannot even imagineRead MoreGlobal Warming and Its Causes1894 Words   |  8 Pagesdestroyed property of unknown value in the New Orleans region. This is a scenario that we could experience in the near future should we continue to ignore calls to address global warming issues. Should such a scenario be replicated on a global scale, the consequences would be devastating. Global Warming: An Overview Global warming according to Farrar and Mastrandrea can simply be defined as a continuing increase in Earths overall temperature (7). This increase in temperature has over time beenRead MoreGlobal Warming : Causes And Effects905 Words   |  4 Pagesindependent variables that are contributing to the cause of a problem the world is currently faced with, global warming. What is global warming? Well, global warming is a rise in the Earth s average atmospheric temperature that causes corresponding changes in climate and that may result from the greenhouse effect (which I will talk more about.) Which is when our ozone layer has a hole which gradually increases, and increases heat from the sun. This causes major problems such as the polar caps meltingRead MoreGlobal Warming : Causes And Mitigation1319 Words   |  6 Pages Global Warming: Cause and Mitigation Global Warming: Cause and Mitigation Introduction The topic of global warming has received a lot of attention for the past couple of decades. The massive impacts and risks posed by this phenomenon on humans and environment have been severe, thus calling for swift attention. Basically, globalization refers to the rise of average temperature of oceans and earth’s atmosphere. Global warming is a reality which has faced the human society for over aRead MoreHumans Cause Global Warming1142 Words   |  5 PagesGlobal Warming Debate Today we are debating the important topic of global warming. As the affirmative team, we strongly believe that global warming is caused by the actions of humans. But this is not just a belief, this is a fact. Global warming, by definition, is a gradual increase in the overall temperature of the earth s atmosphere generally attributed to the greenhouse effect caused by increased levels of carbon dioxide, CFCs, and other pollutants. The greenhouse effect is the trapping of theRead MoreThe Potential Cause Of Global Warming1689 Words   |  7 PagesThe potential causes of global warming are debated about by many scientists. Many scientists believe that global warming is natural while others believe it to be caused by mostly humans. Global warming may be completely natural for many reasons. First, Earth tends to go through cycles of heating and cooling and this wouldn’t be the first time our planet has begun to heat up unexpectedly. Second, nobody can directly correlate humans wit h global warming, we may emit CO2 but that doesn’t mean we caused